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赤兔擅以影像說故事, 歷屆作品以創意與美學獲得國際廣告與影展獎項肯定

Redbit is good at telling stories with images, it has won international advertising and marketing

awards and film festivals for its’ creativity and aesthetics.

Advertising Awards

赤兔獲得眾多國際廣告行銷獎項肯定,包括世界一級獎項「Cannes Lions:坎城創意節銅獅獎」、「紅點傳達設計獎:Red Dot —Best Of Best:金獎」、「Youtube亞太區最成功廣告」、「Clio Awards」 、「Spikes Asia」、「Yahoo Big Idea Chair Award」、「Festival of Media」、「Promax BDA」、「Global Excellence Promotion」 的肯定,並於兩岸三地最大廣告獎 — 時報華文廣告金像獎中,從1千4百多件眾多好手作品中,獲得年度金獎。

爲政府公部門製作之影片屢屢創下國際影展佳績,中央氣象局《關心是最好的天氣三部曲》入選世界二級影展「鹿特丹國際影展」、「法國克萊蒙費朗國際市場展」「瑞士國際奇幻影展」,為衛福部製作之微電影從110個國家三千部作品中脫穎而出,獲選義大利「AS Film Festival」,製作林務局森林護管員紀錄片《森林護衛隊》獲得「勞動金像獎」之肯定。

Redbit has won a number of advertising and marketing awards, including Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity: Use of Branded Content created for Digital or Social Media - "Bronze Lion”, Red Dot Award - Communication Design: Online Films - "Best of the Best” & Integrated Campaigns - "Red Dot Award", Outdoor Advertising Awards:Outdoor Advertising Awards -“International – Gold”, Clio Awards : Film Technique (Music - Adapted) - "Bronze” & Use of Music (Short Form Film) - "Bronze", Spikes Asia: Use of Social / Digital Platform (Music) - "Silver Spike” & Use of Talent (Entertainment) - "Bronze Spike", Youtube : APAC Leaderboard & Taiwan Leaderboard, Festival of Media: Best Influencer Campaign - "Silver Award" (Italy), Yahoo Big Idea Chair Award", "Promax BDA", "Global Excellence Promotion". it won the gold award of the year from more than 1,400 works in the largest advertising award “ Times Awards “ between Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan。

The films produced for the public sector have even achieved good results in international film festivals. The Central Meteorological Administration's "Care for the Best Weather Trilogy" was selected into "Rotterdam International Film Festival", "Clermont-Ferrand International Film Festival" , "Neuchatel International Fantastique Film Festival", the micro-film produced for the Ministry of Health and Welfare stood out from 3,000 works from 110 countries, and was selected by the "AS Film Festival" in Italy, and the documentary "Forest Guard" produced for the Forestry Bureau won the Labor Awards.

國際獎項 International Awards

Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity
Use of Branded Content created for Digital or Social Media - "Bronze Lion”,


Red Dot Award
Communication Design: Online Films - "Best of the Best” Integrated Campaigns - "Red Dot Award”


Festival of Media
Best Influencer Campaign Silver Award


Spikes Asia
Spikes Asia: Use of Social / Digital Platform (Music) - "Silver Spike” Use of Talent (Entertainment) - "Bronze Spike"

亞太獎項 Asia-Pacific Awards

Youtube 亞太區與台灣最成功廣告 APAC Leaderboard & Taiwan Leaderboard

Yahoo Big Idea Chair Awards 北亞區創意大獎 最佳原生廣告獎 Best Native Ad Campaign / Outstanding

時報華文廣告金像獎 Times Awards 年度金獎

奇點獎 Digital Singularity Awards年度台灣十大精選行銷類微電影

Outdoor Advertising Awards International – Gold

Clio Awards Film Technique (Music - Adapted) - "Bronze” Use of Music (Short Form Film) - "Bronze"

Promax BDA Best Public Service Announcement - Gold

Global Excellence Promotion Marketing and Design Awards


Film Festivals & Awards



Redbit has outstanding performance in film, animation and tv drama. It produced and presented the feature film “The Silent Forest” which was a box-office hit, grossing NTD$50 million in Taiwan and was successfully sold to Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Brunei and Thailand. It has great success at the film festival as shown below:

  • Taipei Film Festival – Opening Film

  • Tokyo FILMeX – Competition

  • Golden Horse Awards – 8 nominations and 2 wins

      wins: Best New Performer, Best Sound Effects

      nominations: Best New Director, Best Original Screenplay, Best Supporting Actor, Best Art Direction, Best Film Editing, Best Original Film Music

  • International Film Festival of India, Goa – Best Director, Best Actor – Male

  • Asian Pop Up Cinema

  • Jeonju International Film Festival – Frontline

  • New York Asian Film Festival

  • Taipei Film Awards

      Wins:Best New Talent (Chen Yan-Fei), Best Music, Best Sound Design, Audience Choice Award

      Nominations: Best Narrative Feature, Best Director, Best Supporting Actor, Best New Talent (Troy Liu), Best Editing

  • Vancouver Taiwanese Film Festival

  • Asiatica Film Festival Rome – Closing Film

  • Asian Film Awards – won Best Supporting Actor (Kim Hyun-bin); nominated for Best New Performer (Chen Yan-Fei)

  • Sao Paulo International Film Festival

  • Five Flavours Asian Film Festival

  • London East Asia Film Festival

電影《藍太陽》入選韓國富川奇幻影展創投,為台灣唯一代表,電視電影《TMD天堂》,獲得金鐘獎五項入圍肯定,包含最佳電視電影、迷你劇最佳導演、男配角、燈光、剪接。電影《莎莉》入選法國南特工作坊,並獲得柏林影展Berlin Talents - Script Station項目,從全世界四百多件劇本中所獲選十件最有潛力之劇本之一,也是唯一一本入選的亞洲劇本,並獲得金馬創投百萬首獎、創意獎、編劇獎等三項大獎紀錄之肯定

The feature project "Blue Sun" was selected for the South Korea Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival- It Project, which is the only representative of the Taiwanese. The TV drama "Their Heaven" was nominated for 5 awards at the Golden Bell Awards, including Best TV drama, Best Director, Supporting Actor, Lighting and Editing.

The film project"Salli" is supported by the selective Script Development Fund in Taiwan and have now been granted the selective Production Fund. With an international audience in mind, we had the honour to take Salli to various international film project labs in Europe and Asia to develop the story with experienced industry mentors, including 2018 Produire au Sud x Taipei Film Festival International Co-Production Workshop, Taiwan, 2018 Bridging the Dragon Sino-European Project Lab, China / Europe, 2019 Berlinale Talents Script Station, being the only East Asian project of the 10 selected projects out of more than 400 applications worldwide. We further won record breaking awards at the top awards at the Golden Horse Film Project Promotion in 2019.

國內獎項 Taiwanese Awards

2020   金馬獎 Golden Horse Award 八項入圍,獲得最佳音效與最佳新演員
           Nominated for 8 awards. Won Best Sound Effects and New Performer. 

2021   台北電影獎 Taipei Film Award 八項入圍,獲得最佳聲音設計、最佳配樂、最佳               新演員
           Nominated fo 8 Awards. Won Best New Talent, Best Music, Best Sound                 Design, Audience Choice Award

2020   金馬獎 Golden Horse Award 八項入圍,獲得最佳音效與最佳新演員

           Nominated for 8 awards. Won Best Sound Effects and New Performer. 

           金穗獎 Golden Harvest Awards for Outstanding Short Films

           台灣國際女性影展 Women Make Waves International Film Festival.

           台灣國際酷兒影展 Taiwan International Queer Film Festival

2019   金馬創投百萬首獎、劇本獎、創意獎

           First Prize, Script Award, Creativity Award


           Taipei Film Festival - Opening Film

2017   電視金鐘獎 Golden Bell Awards


           Nominated for Best TV film, Director, Supporting Actor, Lighting and                   Editing.

           金穗獎 Golden Harvest Awards

2016   電視金鐘獎 Golden Bell Awards 入圍迷你劇集最佳導演、音效、男配角

           Nominated for Mini-series: Best Director, Sound Effect, Supporting Actor

2015   高雄電影節國際競賽 Kaohsiung Film Festival

           金穗獎 Golden Harvest Awards

           最佳編劇與優等影片 Best Script & Outstanding Short Films

           台中國際動畫影展 Taichung International Animation Festival

2011   台北電影節競賽短片 Taipei Film Festival 最佳短片 The Best Short

國際影展 International Awards

2021   Asian Film Awards won Best Supporting Actor (Kim Hyun-bin);

           nominated for Best New Performer (Chen Yan-Fei)

           International Film Festival of India, Goa won Best Director,

           Best Actor – Male

           Asian Pop Up Cinema

           Jeonju International Film Festival – Frontline

           New York Asian Film Festival

           Asiatica Film Festival Rome – Closing Film

           Sao Paulo International Film Festival

           London East Asia Film Festival

           Ifva festival Short Film Animation | Media Arts

           Out On Film (Out On Film Atlanta’s LGBTQ Film Festival)

           Beijing International Short Film Festival

2020   Seoul International Women's Film Festival

           Tokyo Short Shorts - Competition

2019   Tokyo FILMeX – Competition

2018   Tokyo Short Shorts

2017   Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival / BiFan - It Project

2015   Neuchatel International Fantastique Film Festival

           Busan International Short Film Festival

2014   International Film Festival Rotterdam

2013   Dublin International Film Festival

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Redbit Pictures 赤兔影像

111009 台北市士林區中山北路5段505巷4號2樓
No. 4, Ln. 505, Sec. 5, Zhongshan N. Rd., Shilin Dist.,Taipei City 111009, Taiwan (R.O.C.)   Tel:+886 2883-5568    Fax:+886 2883-5568

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